Kima Coffee Roasters

"At Kima Coffee we want to bring every bean to its full potential. We know how much work and effort goes into producing specialty coffee. That's why our vision was clear from the start:

The values ​​of sustainable coffee cultivation that respects the environment, is authentic and innovative and values ​​the work of farmers and the identity of the farms.

We always buy fresh and seasonal coffees that are characterized by quality, cleanliness and traceability. We strive to educate ourselves and pass this information on to our customers, emphasizing the importance of each phase of coffee processing and making each part a memorable and worthy work.

We constantly strive to improve in everything we do and to be as transparent as possible about all the stages our coffees go through and the sensory notes of our coffees.

Sharing these truly special coffees is one of the most exciting and rewarding parts of our coffee lives. Being able to share and enjoy these emotions with our customers is our raison d'être."