Jonathan Gasca | Colombia
Country of Origin: Colombia - Bruselas, Huila
Farm: Bella Vista
Cultivar: Geisha
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 1540 masl
Flavor Notes: Pomegranate, Raspberry, Brown Sugar
Roast: Omni
Our first Geisha is here! 🌟
Jonathan Gasca, a young traditional coffee farmer, hails from Pitalito, a town in Huila in southern Colombia, the region with the highest coffee production in the country. "I was born on a coffee farm," says Jonathan. His grandparents and parents always dedicated themselves to coffee growing. Though he is grateful for their passion, they focused on producing coffee for the highest-paying buyer, where quality often took a backseat to quantity to ensure a steady income.
In his youth, Jonathan dreamed of becoming a soccer player. Together with his brother Johan, he moved to Cali to train with the professional team Deportivo Cali. However, things did not go as expected, and feelings of loneliness grew, especially since his mother was the sole financial support. Disappointed, they decided to return home.
Jonathan's mother insisted that he should study. She suggested radiology in Bogotá, but Jonathan couldn't warm up to the idea. Instead, he seized the opportunity to study Ecological Agriculture and Livestock, convinced it would offer him more opportunities on the farm.
In 2008, the topic of specialty coffee was still new. Together with his uncle and brother, Jonathan began experimenting with growing specialty coffee on a piece of land their father had given them.
His first coffee was a Honey, which he eagerly brought to the SKM cooperative, where he usually received the best price. Unfortunately, it was rejected due to its appearance. "There was no market for such coffee," Jonathan recalls, disappointed that his family did not share his commitment to quality.
Determined to make a name for himself with specialty coffees, he continued experimenting and learning. He truly wanted to understand what he was selling. The Lasso family, known for their excellent specialty coffees and a role model for Jonathan, motivated him greatly. He dreams of achieving the recognition their coffees enjoy one day. Jonathan and his brother Johan do not only strive for worldwide recognition because of the money but also because they are proud to continue the family tradition and elevate the good reputation of their product, the coffee that has given them everything in life.
Processing Steps:
1. Manually collect 90% ripe coffee cherries.
2. Anaerobic fermentation in plastic bags for 4 days in the shade.
3. Wash with a small amount of water to remove impurities.
4. Sun drying for 5-8 days, depending on the climate, turning the beans four times daily.