Honey Moon - Colombia

15,40 € Sale Save
Unit price 61,60 € per  kg Each

One of our favorite washed Colombians of the year! A Chiroso (native Ethiopian variety) that has all the qualities of a washed Ethiopian. Flavors of honey, lemon peel, rhubarb and melon. The roasting of this coffee is exactly the same for filter and espresso coffee, as it is ideal for both.

Country of origin
: Colombia
Cooperative: Las Perlitas
Cultivar : Chiroso
Processing: Washed
Altitude : 1900 Masl.
Tasting notes: honey, lemon peel, rhubarb and melon
Roasting : Omni

Las Perlitas represents various small batches of farms from all of our main regions: Huila, Antioquia and Nariño. These farms are typically located at an altitude of 1,600 to 2,100 m above sea level, with an emphasis on growing quality varieties. Behind the coffee that contributes to the Las Perlitas lots are small farmers who are committed to producing high quality coffee through experimentation and constant improvement.