19,00 € Sale Save

Prolonged fermentation

ORIGIN : Indonesia
ROASTING: Omni Roast
PRODUCER : Frinsa Collective
ALTITUDE : 1300 - 1500 meters

CULTIVARS: Sigarar Utang, Andung Sari, Ateng, Timor (Borbor, Timtim).

PROCESS: Extended fermentation
FLAVOR NOTES: Creamy latic, stone fruit.

We have been fans of Frinsa Estate products for a long time. The Frinsa Edun is a popular coffee for those looking for something (actually quite a bit) unusual. This time we serve you the Frinsa Sunda from Friedhats. Think milk, think cream, then you have the Sunda.

The same extended fermentation process, the same Andung Sari, Sigara Utang, Timor and Ateng varieties, only this time on an even more civilized side - so much so that it has created a completely different profile and drinking experience.

Creamy milk notes with stone fruit compote, a full mouthfeel and an earthy Indo note characterize this coffee.